Ascorbyl Glucoside: Ascorbyl Glucoside is a stable form of Vitamin C combined with the sugar Glucose. The Glucose is derived from a natural starch source, such as rice, while the Vitamin C portion is synthetic. When properly formulated and absorbed into skin, it breaks down to ascorbic acid, also known as pure Vitamin C. Once absorbed, its breakdown to Vitamin C is gradual, creating what's known as a reservoir effect within skin. This leads to longer-lasting benefits.
It's a stable form of Vitamin C combined with starch-derived glucose, which allows it to maintain many of the same benefits as pure Vitamin C. It easily penetrates skin to brighten and improve your skin tone — benefits that are even further enhanced by the Niacinamide in CC Me Serum. It also has excellent antioxidant properties to improve skin's environmental defenses.