Recycle with Us
Send back 5 of your empty Summer Fridays products in exchange for a $25 e-gift card to be used on your next purchase on SummerFridays.com.
How it Works
Collect 5+ Summer Fridays
empties to send in. -
Click below to request your
free shipping label. -
Package and ship 5+ empties
to us for recycling. -
Receive a $25 e-gift card via email to help restock your favorites.

For the Curious.
You Asked, We Answered.
All Summer Fridays products are eligible for our recycling program with the exception of sample sizes (e.g. – deluxe sample tubes).
Our recycling program considers limited-edition sets as one full-sized product, so all empties from the set must be returned to be eligible.
Please refer to each specific product page for more information on how to prepare your Summer Fridays products for recycling and processing.
Yes! While we require a minimum of 5 empties to qualify for the $25 e-gift card, feel free to send more than 5. Please note that we have a maximum e-gift card allotment of $25 per month for our recycling program.
Your e-gift card will be sent via email 5 business days after your empties have been delivered to us.
The recycling e-gift card does not expire and can be used towards your next purchase on SummerFridays.com.
Our recycling program is only open to continental US customers currently.
We are partnered with Pact Collective and happy to recycle additional empties from other brands. Feel free to include them with your Summer Fridays empties! However, these will not count towards your e-gift card.
To receive your free return label to return your empties, click here (note that by clicking on the link you agree to have your personal information relating to the order shared with our third-party vendor, Redo, whose privacy policy is located here) and follow the steps to receive your return label.
Please return your empties within 14 days of receiving your return label. The label will expire after that date.